Banda Braille : vivenciando novas experiências em um grupo musical composto por videntes e deficientes visuais
2020-11-18Registro en:
CASTRO, Hyram Henrique Cruz de. Banda Braille: vivenciando novas experiências em um grupo musical composto por videntes e deficientes visuais.2020. 47 f. Monografia (Licenciatura em Música ) - Escola de Musica, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte , Natal , 2020.
Castro, Hyram Henrique Cruz
This research aimed to discuss the work performed by Banda Braille, a musical group of
the UFRN School of Music, seeking to report on the experiences and challenges
encountered in the performance of the group's activities, and how this experience
contributes to the development of its members. The choice of the object of this study was
due to the involvement of the researcher with the set, and his interest in investigating the
practices developed in a group composed of visually impaired and seers. The
methodological procedures used in the investigation correspond to the qualitative
approach and the case study, and data collection was done through semi-structured
interviews, photos, and posts on social networks, as well as bibliographic research. The
results obtained show that the interactions built in the activities developed by the group
allowed the development of both musical and interpersonal among all involved.
Keywords: Banda Braille, Learning, Social Inclusion