Alterações na evocação de uma memória aversiva ao liongo do ciclo estral de ratas: influências da transmissão gabaérgica na amígdala
2012-07-30Registro en:
FERREIRA, Luane Maria Stamatto. Alterações na evocação de uma memória aversiva ao liongo do ciclo estral de ratas: influências da transmissão gabaérgica na amígdala. 2012. 98 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Estudos de Comportamento; Psicologia Fisiológica) - Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, Natal, 2012.
Ferreira, Luane Maria Stamatto
GABAergic neurotransmission has been implicated in many aspects of
learning and memory, as well as mood and anxiety disorders. The amygdala
has been one of the major focuses in this area, given its essential role in
modulating emotionally relevant memories. However, studies with male subjects
are still predominant in the field. Here we investigated the consequences for an
aversive memory of enhancing or decreasing GABAergic transmission in the
basolateral nucleus of the amygdala (BLA). Wistar female rats were trained in
the plus-maze discriminative avoidance task, in which they had to learn to avoid
one of the enclosed arms where an aversive stimulus consisting of a bright light
and a loud noise was given (day 1). Fifteen minutes before the test session (day
2) animals received 0,2 μL infusions of either saline solution, the GABAergic
agonist muscimol (0,05 mg/ml), or the GABAergic antagonist bicuculine (0,025
mg/ml) bilaterally intra-BLA. On the test day, females in proestrous or estrous
presented adequate retrieval and did not extinguish the task, while females in
metestrous or diestrous presented impaired retrieval. In the first group,
muscimol infusion impaired retrieval and bicuculline had no effect, suggesting
naturally low levels of GABAergic transmission in the BLA of proestrous and
estrous females. In the second group, muscimol infusion had no effect and
bicuculline reversed retrieval impairment, suggesting naturally high levels of
GABAergic transmission in the BLA of metestrous and diestous females.
Additionally, proestrous and estrous females presented higher anxiety levels
compared to metestrous and diestrous females, which could explain better
performance of this group. On the other hand, BLA GABAergic system did not
interfere with the innate fear response because drug infusions had no effect in
anxiety. Thus, retrieval alterations caused by the GABAergic drugs were
probably related specifically to memory processes