O Uso do Chenopodium Ambrosioides L. (Mastruz) na Saúde: Revisão Integrativa
2021-04-23Registro en:
OLIVEIRA, Pedro Henrique Marinho de. O Uso Do Chenopodium Ambrosioides L. (Mastruz) na Saúde:
Revisão Integrativa. 2021. 54 f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação em Odontologia) - Departamento de Odontologia, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, Natal, 2021.
Oliveira, Pedro Henrique Marinho de
INTRODUCTION: Chenopodium ambrosioides L., popularly known as “Mastruz” or “ervade-santa-maria” is a herbaceous plant of the Chenopodiaceae family and in Brazil it is widely
disseminated, including the Northeast and used for several health problems, such as such as:
respiratory, vascular, gastrointestinal, neurological, endocrine, rheumatic, parasitic and
osteoinductive complications. Despite this, little is known about the effect of the mast on cell
culture, wounds, protection of the dentin-pulp complex and root and bone resorption.
OBJECTIVE: To investigate through an integrative review of the scientific evidence on the
use of the components of this plant in health. METHODS: In this view and in order to guide
the integrative review, the following guiding question was asked: what has the literature already
studied about the Chenopodium ambrosioides L. plant as a herbal medicine in medicine and
dentistry? The study was carried out following the 6 steps - 1) selection of the guided question
2) definition of the characteristics of the primary researches in the sample 3) selection, by peers,
of the researches that comprised the sample of the review 4) analysis of the findings of the
articles included in the review 5) interpretation of results and 6) report of the review, providing
a critical examination of the findings. For that, a search of the articles was made in the databases
PUBMED, LILACS and SCIELO, 3 crossings and a manual search. The first crossing was
carried out at PUBMED and LILACS with the descriptors: Chenopodium ambrosioides [all
fields] OR Dysphania ambrosioides [all fields] AND medicine [all fields]. A second crossing
was performed at PUBMED and LILACS with the descriptors: Chenopodium ambrosioides [all
fields] OR Dysphania ambrosioides [all fields] AND Dentistry [all fields]. A third crossing was
performed at SCIELO with the descriptors Chenopodium ambrosioides [all fields] OR
Dysphania ambrosioides [all fields]. In addition, a manual search of articles in Portuguese and
English was carried out, involving dissertations for the conclusion of undergraduate and
specialization courses and master's degrees, and doctoral theses. The selection included authors,
year, title, objectives, methodologies, results and conclusion. RESULTS: The analysis of the
results regarding the quantitative distribution of the articles found using the search criteria in
the databases selected with the first crossing Chenopodium ambrosioides [all fields] OR
Dysphania ambrosioides [all fields] AND medicine [all fields] was found 57 articles and we
selected 21 and when the search criteria were used in the databases selected with the second
crossing: Chenopodium ambrosioides [all fields] OR Dysphania ambrosioides [all fields] AND
Dentistry [all fields] there were 4 results and these 4 were selected. A third cross was made with
the crosses: Chenopodium ambrosioides [all fields] OR Dysphania ambrosioides [all fields]
and found 17 articles of which 4 were selected. In addition to these crossings, a manual search
was carried out looking for articles in Portuguese and English, with the keywords Chenopodium
ambrosioides [all fields] OR Dysphania ambrosioides [all fields] AND Dentistry [all fields],
involving undergraduate and specialization dissertations, dissertations of master's and doctoral
theses. CONCLUSION: In this way, it can be concluded that the use of the mast, both in
medicine and dentistry, has promising applicability together with a very easy accessibility of
the plant by the population. However, the review shows that they still need new articles that
present the effects of the active ingredients alone, mainly in live models, and in the future
clinical research to ensure greater safety and effectiveness.