Jogo digital BomberPick: uma proposta para o ensino-aprendizagem do Teorema de Pick
2020-04-13Registro en:
ALMEIDA JÚNIOR, Francisco Erivan de. Jogo digital BomberPick: uma proposta para o ensino-aprendizagem do Teorema de Pick. 2020. 63f. Dissertação (Mestrado Profissional em Matemática em Rede Nacional) - Centro de Ciências Exatas e da Terra, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, Natal, 2020.
Almeida Júnior, Francisco Erivan de
The advent of digital technologies has given rise to the so-called digital natives,
people who were born and raised in the digital age and therefore have appeared
to make up a large portion of school community. Such a change poses the
question: how do digital natives learn? A possible way through which they
can learn is by using digital technologies, including digital or electronic games,
which can be allied in the teaching-learning process. That exposed, BomberPick
digital game was developed aiming to help learners grasp Pick’s theorem in
a playful and enjoyable way. This paper addresses the biography of George
Alexander Pick, presents Pick’s theorem and its demonstration, discusses the
usefulness and importance of digital games in educational context and, finally,
proposes BomberPick game.