Detecção de alterações séricas de magnésio e sódio induzidas por fluconazol em pacientes críticos.
2021-08-26Registro en:
JÁCOME, Tereza Dayane Lopes. Detecção de alterações séricas de magnésio e sódio induzidas por fluconazol em pacientes críticos. 2021. 25f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação em Farmácia) - Departamento de farmácia, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, Natal, 2021.
Jácome, Tereza Dayane Lopes
Objective: To detect the occurrence of fluconazole-induced changes in magnesium and sodium in critically ill patients. Methods: Cross-sectional study, with data collected during a longitudinal study, obtained via information contained in the electronic medical record of patients admitted to the ICU of a tertiary hospital from January to June 2021. Sociodemographic and clinical variables as well as electrolyte profile (Na and Mg) were assessed. Results: The patients' registered profile had a mean age of 58 years, an average permanence of 15 days in the ICU and the majority with circulatory system diseases (39.2%) and neoplasms (13.7%). About 6.7% of patients used fluconazole, with perception of small changes in serum creatinine levels. With the use of fluconazole, during the treatment period, there was less variability between serum Na and Mg changes and the tendency of fluconazole to cause potential changes in hypomagnesemia (β= -0.131 and p=<0.010) as well as hypernatremia (β =4.515 and p=<0.001) in critically ill patients. Conclusion: Decreased serum magnesium and increased sodium were alterations identified from the use of fluconazole in critically ill patients.