O comércio de confecções em União dos Palmares-AL á luz da teoria dos circuitos da economia urbana
2019-03-28Registro en:
SOUZA, Silmara Lopes de. O comércio de confecções em União dos Palmares-AL á luz da teoria dos circuitos da economia urbana. 2019. 153f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Geografia) - Centro de Ciências Humanas, Letras e Artes, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, Natal, 2019.
Souza, Silmara Lopes de
The theoretical proposal of the two circuits of the urban economy was presented by Milton
Santos in the 1970s, constituting a reference in the studies about the urbanization of peripheral
countries and their specificities. The upper circuit is formed by banks, export industry, trade
and modern services and wholesalers. The lower circuit consists of small-scale trade, services
and manufacturing forms with reduced capital and little technology. In this work, the
objective is to understand the trade of confections in União dos Palmares in the light of the
circuitry theory of the urban economy. In this perspective, we initially evidence the sociospatial and urbanization process of União dos Palmares, as well as elements from your
economy and urban-regional centrality. In the sequence we identify the main updates of the
theory and the forms of manifestation of the circuits of the urban economy in União dos
Palmares; we characterize the clothing trade considering the training, the agents involved and
the dynamics of organization and functioning, and finally, we analyze the clothing trade
considering the characteristics of the circuits of the urban economy. The methodological
approach adopted is based on bibliographical and historiographic research, aiming at the
construction of the theoretical foundation on the formation and urbanization of the União dos
Palmares, relations among commerce and city and the two circuits of the urban economy.
Documentary research, together with government agencies, addressed the information needs
related to the economy, population, income, gross domestic product, Gini index, and etc. The
field work occurred, preliminary, through interviews with older merchants of the city, who
work in the garment segment, with a view to obtaining information about the process of
constituting this trade. We apply forms with owners, employees and customers of the stores in
order to understand the main elements of day to day in the perspective of operation,
organization, technological resources used and ways of acting of the agents involved. From
the theory of the circuits of the urban economy it was possible to analyze the main
characteristics of the clothing trade, which was formed in the context of the urbanization
process of União dos Palmares, from the 1970s. The bureaucratized organization, the small
capital and the little technology used allow to recognize this activity as of the inferior circuit
of the urban economy. Since 2005, the clothing trade has been very dynamic, due to the
growth in the number of stores, with diversity of products and prices. In União dos Palmares,
the clothing trade integrates a logic dedicated at meeting the consumption demands of the
local population and the neighboring municipalities.