Satisfação no trabalho e comprometimento organizacional: Um estudo de caso em um provedor de internet da Grande Natal/RN
2019-06-18Registro en:
SILVA, Olímpio Eugênio da. Satisfação no trabalho e comprometimento organizacional: um estudo de caso em um provedor de internet da Grande Natal/RN. 2019. 88f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação em Administração) - Departamento de Ciências Administrativas. Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte Natal, 2019.
Silva, Olímpio Eugênio
The present work has the objective of analyzing the indexes of job satisfaction and organizational commitment of employees of an Internet service provider. The methodology used in this work is a descriptive and quantitative research in which the Occupational Satisfaction Scale (EST) and the Organizational Commitment Scale (EBACO) were used as instruments for data collection. In terms of job satisfaction, the results showed that the company's employees are satisfied with the work. However, about organizational commitment, the results found in the research revealed a high level of organizational commitment on the bases of commitment. Obligation for performance; above-average commitment to the Affective base and below-average commitment on the bases of Obligation to remain and Affiliative, which are bases that have a relationship directly proportional to the performance of organizations. In the other bases that have a relation inversely proportional to the organizational performance; levels of above-average impairment were found at the base Lack of rewards and opportunities and lack of alternatives and below-average commitment level at the base Consistent line of activity. In this way, the work achieved its purpose and concluded that the organization needs to analyze internally and in a more detailed way the aspects related to job satisfaction, with regard to satisfaction with salary and, especially, aspects related to the organizational commitment that are inherent to the bases of commitment that presented results considered unfavorable for the company in order to develop strategic actions that aim to maintain satisfaction indexes and organizational commitment within the standards considered favorable for organizations. In addition, the study concluded that the multidimensional aspects of the studied variables need to be explored more deeply, especially aspects related to organizational commitment, in order to broaden the discussions about this important factor for organizations.