Desenvolvimento de uma planta piloto para estudos de poços de petróleo produzindo por plunger lift
2011-10-10Registro en:
FONSÊCA, Diego Antônio de Moura. Desenvolvimento de uma planta piloto para estudos de poços de petróleo
produzindo por plunger lift. 2011. 136 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Automação e Sistemas; Engenharia de Computação; Telecomunicações) - Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, Natal, 2011.
Fonsêca, Diego Antônio de Moura
This document proposes to describe a pilot plant for oil wells equipped with plunger
lift. In addition to a small size (21,5 meters) and be on the surface, the plant s well has part
of its structure in transparent acrylic, allowing easy visualization of phenomena inherent
to the method.
The rock formation where the well draws its pilot plant fluids (water and air) is simulated
by a machine room where they are located the compressor and water pump for the
production of air and water. To keep the flow of air and water with known and controlled
values the lines that connect the machine room to the wellhole are equipped with flow
sensors and valves.
It s developed a supervisory system that allows the user a real-time monitoring of
pressures and flow rates involved. From the supervisor is still allowed the user can choose
how they will be controlled cycles of the process, whether by time, pressure or manually,
and set the values of air flow to the water used in cycles. These values can be defined
from a set point or from the percentage of valve opening.
Results from tests performed on the plant using the most common forms of control
by time and pressure in the coating are showed. Finally, they are confronted with results
generated by a simulator configured with the the pilot plant s feature