Novas configurações de antenas, filtros e FSS com fractais de fuga no tempo para aplicações em microondas e ondas milimétricas
2017-12-14Registro en:
MINERVINO, Diego Ramalho. Novas configurações de antenas, filtros e FSS com fractais de fuga no tempo para aplicações em microondas e ondas milimétricas. 2017. 110f. Tese (Doutorado em Engenharia Elétrica e de Computação) - Centro de Tecnologia, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, Natal, 2017.
Minervino, Diego Ramalho
In this work, new configurations of devices and circuits of millimeter waves and
microwaves with fracturing configurations of escape-time are investigated and
proposed, such as the Julia and Mandelbrot sets, which are structures defined by a
recurrence relation of each point in space. Specifically, it will be investigated the
distribution of currents on the surfaces of filter conductors, planar antennas and
frequency selective surfaces (FSS) with the considered fractal geometries, for
applications in both wireless communication systems and systems in millimeter waves,
in the frequency range between 0.7 and 30 (GHz). Transmission planar structures such
as the microstrip lines and the coplanar waveguide (CPW) were considered in the
development of filters and antennas with Euclidean and fractal geometries for
microwave and millimeter wave applications. The choice of microstrip line structures
for the development of new antenna and filter configurations is justified by the wide
application of these transmission lines, always resulting in the manufacture of flat
circuits with small structures, low cost, easy to construct and especially easy to integrate
with other microwave and millimeter wave circuits. The great interest in applications in
the millimeter wave range is associated to the growth of the use in the L and S bands,
the speed of transmission between circuits, wireless communications systems and the
reduction of components for use in wavelengths and millimeter waves. Initially, the
study of time-fracturing fracturing was focused on microwave applications in antennas
fed by coaxial cable and CPW. Finally, simulations, measurements and constructions of
prototypes of antennas, filters and FSSs were carried out to validate the work done in
this doctoral thesis.