dc.contributorAraújo, Allyson Carvalho de
dc.contributorSurdi, Aguinaldo Cesar
dc.contributorLeiro, Augusto César Rios
dc.contributorAraújo, Bruno Medeiros Roldão de
dc.contributorOliveira, Márcio Romeu Ribas de
dc.creatorLisboa, Thiago Felipe Maia
dc.identifierLISBOA, Thiago Felipe Maia. O futebol nas aulas de Educação Física: aprendizados do chão de terra ao sensor de movimento. 2018. 131f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Educação Física) - Centro de Ciências da Saúde, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, Natal, 2018.
dc.description.abstractThe present dissertation comes from the perceived obstacles about the use of media technology in school, especially in Physical Education classes, besides being considered in one of its more traditional contents, sports, and having as thematic the soccer. The birth of the problem comes from the restlessness of the researcher, practitioner of the sport, referee of professional football and lover of digital games. As a kick-off we understand that there is a penetration of digital technologies in school in a way that makes it difficult to deny them, thus giving rise to the need to work with them. The following study question arises: How do soccer's virtualization experiences favor understanding comprehension content? Based on this question and on other motivations, the present study has as general objective: to identify the learning resulting from the virtualized soccer experience. As specific objectives it is proposed to analyze if, from experiences in the soccer modality, there is a enlargement of the knowledge between the tried platforms, the virtualized and the traditional. The second specific objective is to identify the potentialities and weaknesses of the use of motion sensor games in soccer learning. The descriptive study adopts a qualitative approach and has as a research modality the case study. For the discussion, we used as support the Freire conceptions of teaching allied to the Critical-emancipatory Pedagogy of Physical Education teaching, using as methodology the pedagogy of communicative didactic action. Our interlocution in pedagogical practice was composed of 6 meetings held at the Municipal School Dr. Júlio Gomes de Senna located in the municipality of Ceará-Mirim / RN, in the 7th grade class of Elementary School II and consisted of a didactic unit on soccer where the students enjoyed the experiences of conventional soccer and the virtual game, as well as classes lectures and dialogues. As data collection used: diagnostic questionnaire, systematic observation of the classes, field diary and imagery records. We conclude that it is not only motion-sensing video games that promote the learning of soccer content based on the understanding of the phenomenon in a global way, but rather the technology working in a collaborative way with the traditional contents in order to allow re-significances of the corporal practices fomenting the development of criticality, providing the debate on gender issues, and constructing meanings for students from the experience of playful.
dc.rightsAcesso Aberto
dc.subjectEducação Física
dc.subjectSensores remotos
dc.titleO futebol nas aulas de Educação Física: aprendizados do chão de terra ao sensor de movimento

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