Brasil | article
dc.creatorLobato, Maxwell Ferreira
dc.creatorSantos, Andarair Gomes dos
dc.creatorVital, Angelica Belchior
dc.creatorSouza, Carlson Pereira de
dc.identifierLOBATO, M. F.; SANTOS, A. G. dos; VITAL, A. B.; SOUZA, C. P. de. Síntese do cerato de bário pelo método de complexação combinando EDTA-citrato e avaliação catalítica na oxidação do monóxido de carbono testada em reator de leito fixo. Cerâmica, [S.L.], v. 62, n. 363, p. 288-293, set. 2016. Disponível em: Acesso em: 09 abr. 2021.
dc.description.abstractThe barium cerate perovskite was synthesized using a methodology based on the EDTA-citrate complexing method and its catalytic properties were tested in fixed-bed reactor at different stream feeding gas flow rates (50 and 100 mL.min-1) and temperatures (100 to 550 °C). The intended crystalline phase was obtained with crystallite size of 133 nm, together with a small amount of unwanted BaCO3 phase (3%). When synthesized by the EDTA-citrate complexing method, the barium cerate presents an irregular spherical shape with clusters of different sizes, and the presence of pores of different size distributed randomly; its specific surface area was 2.61 m2.g-1. At flow rate of 50 mL.min-1, higher conversion then at 100 mL.min-1 was observed, becoming more apparent between 300 and 400 °C. Moreover, at 50 mL.min-1 flow rate total conversion of CO to CO2 occurred at 400 °C, while the conversion was close to 60% at 100 mL.min-1. Using the perovskite as catalyst the oxidation process is completed at 400 °C, while in reaction without catalyst the complete conversion is achieved only at 550 °C. Therefore, the BaCeO3 had strong activity in carbon monoxide oxidation, although its specific area was small
dc.publisherAssociação Brasileira de Cerâmica - ABCERAM
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial 3.0 Brazil
dc.subjectMétodo de complexação combinando EDTA-citrato
dc.subjectPropriedades catalíticas
dc.subjectÁrea superficial
dc.subjectVazão de alimentação
dc.subjectMonóxido de carbono
dc.titleSíntese do cerato de bário pelo método de complexação combinando EDTA-citrato e avaliação catalítica na oxidação do monóxido de carbono testada em reator de leito fixo

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