dc.contributorDias, Thiago Ferreira
dc.contributorNascimento, Alex Bruno Ferreira Marques do
dc.contributorMedeiros, Marcos Fernando Machado de
dc.creatorViana, Tiago de Alencar
dc.identifierVIANA, Tiago de Alencar. Maturidade em gestão de riscos nas instituições federais de ensino superior (IFES): análise da maturidade em IFES do nordeste brasileiro. 2021. 131f. Dissertação (Mestrado Profissional em Gestão Pública) - Centro de Ciências Sociais Aplicadas, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, Natal, 2021.
dc.description.abstractRisk management aims to complement the public administration in the strengthening of internal controls, in the use of performance controls and result indicators, promoting a complete view of the processes and identifying weaknesses, strengths, threats and opportunities that can be taken advantage of. However, this is an emerging theme and there are challenges for its implementation and consolidation in the Brazilian Public Administration, especially in the Federal Institutions of Higher Education (IFES). This finding brought about the research concern to analyze the level of maturity in risk management in the IFES of the Brazilian Northeast through the development of a proposed model of analysis of maturity in risk management in IFES. The research was conducted in two stages so that the expected results could be achieved. The first was the exploratory stage in which data was collected and relevant information was generated about twenty IFES in the Northeast that were analyzed. It was necessary to survey documents (policies, plans and internal regulations) and to apply questionnaires to managers responsible for the process of structuring Risk Management in the IFES in order to understand the stage of implementation of risk management and to analyze its level of maturity. In the second stage, after the exploratory phase, a descriptive study was carried out with a sample of nine IFES that have risk management in their structures and that consented to the research. The level of maturity in risk management in the nine IFES was analyzed. A link was sent with a FORMS questionnaire, in which the questions and attributes (environment, culture, processes, integration, performance indicators, and resilience and sustainability) followed alternatives consistent with the maturity levels worked out in the model proposal. The maturity level of the sample composed of nine IFES from the Brazilian Northeast was considered intermediate. The level was considered intermediate due to some weaknesses identified. The weaknesses are found in aspects related to integration with strategic planning, performance indicators and periodicity of treatment and monitoring. The weaknesses corroborate the weaknesses of the attributes worked on in the second stage of the research: "Integration" with two disagreeing HEIs, "Performance indicators", with three disagreeing HEIs and "Resilience and Sustainability".
dc.publisherUniversidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte
dc.rightsAcesso Aberto
dc.subjectAdministração pública
dc.subjectGestão de riscos
dc.subjectControle interno
dc.titleMaturidade em gestão de riscos nas instituições federais de ensino superior (IFES): análise da maturidade em IFES do nordeste brasileiro

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