Assentamentos da Jurema Sagrada: expressão de um conhecimento ancestral
2021-09-15Registro en:
OLIVEIRA, João Batista Figueredo de. Assentamentos da Jurema Sagrada: expressão de um conhecimento ancestral. 2021. 192f. Tese (Doutorado em Ciências Sociais) - Centro de Ciências Humanas, Letras e Artes, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, Natal, 2021.
Oliveira, João Batista Figueredo de
This thesis is the result of ethnographic observations, having as field the
Jurema Sagrada of the Family Coró do Ilê Axé Bogundê, located in the
municipality of Parnamirim/RN. The focus of the research was the composition
of the settlements of the Sacred Jurema and their place in the conception and
practice of religion. In the understanding of religion, such settlements are
sacred artifacts in which the entanglements of entities occur through ritual
processes. It is believed that with envultamentos the settlements become a
physical link with the spirits worshipped. We sought to observe how such
settlements enable the maintenance of knowledge, worldview and practices,
aiming to ascertain their potential as maintainers of the knowledge of the
Sacred Jurema. It was found that the settlements present elements that
manifest themselves as initiatic framework, ritualistic and synthesis of the
worldview of the Sacred Jury. Gabriel Tarde (2003), Bruno Latour (2012) and
Tim Ingold (2015) were used as the theoretical and methodological input of this
research, enabling a reflective look in the field and in the writing of the thesis,
following the notions of the intelligence of things, of things (non-human and nonliving) as agents, of the movements of materials and materialities present in the
world and of the importance of the exercise of attention to the traditional
knowledge from its constitutive agents.