Estudo espectroscópico da atividade cromosférica em estrelas do tipo solar: a busca por caracterizar estrelas análogas em mínimo de Maunder
2021-06-11Registro en:
FERREIRA, Rafael Ramon. Estudo espectroscópico da atividade cromosférica em estrelas do tipo solar: a busca por caracterizar estrelas análogas em mínimo de Maunder. 2021. 210f. Tese (Doutorado em Física) - Centro de Ciências Exatas e da Terra, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, Natal, 2021.
Ferreira, Rafael Ramon
Since the first observations of sunspots made by Thomas Harriot and subsequently by
Galileo and several other scientists, astronomers looked for methods to better understand
the magnetic phenomena in the Sun and in solar-type stars. It is well established that
the first indicators used to characterize magnetic activity were sunspots. It is also worth
highlighting one of the most intriguing phenomena of the evolution of solar magnetism
known as Maunder’s minimum, which occurred specifically between 1645 and 1715. What
makes this minimum of activity enigmatic is the registration of very few sunspots and
practically no variability. over 70 years, remaining to this day without a consolidated
explanation. In the twentieth century, with the advancement of observational techniques
related to spectroscopy, astronomers began to make observations of solar/stellar activity
also through spectra. The solar/stellar chromospheric activity has been the subject of
exhaustive treatment over the last six decades in the literature. The main spectroscopic
indicators come from the Ca II H&K resonant lines, particularly the indicators SMW and
the index with photosphere correction R0 HK. Spectroscopic measurements of the activity
of solar-type stars have been carried out since 1960, in an attempt to answer the question of how unique the magnetic evolution of the Sun is in relation to other solar-type
stars. All this background has allowed to determine that stars of solar type have activity cycles, in the case of the Sun a primary cycle of 11 years is well established and a
possible secondary cycle of 88 years may exist. The goal of this doctoral thesis is the
observational investigation of the chromospheric activity of solar-type stars that are often cited in the literature as Maunder minimum candidates. In our work we obtained
as main results: 1) The characterization and determination of the activity cycle of the
solar analog HD43587 Pcyc = 10, 44 ± 3, 03 yrs, as well as estimates of its rotational period Prot = 22, 6 ± 1, 9d, and characterization of its magnetic field; 2) Development of
theoretical tools to estimate the observations of stellar spots globally in other stars of
the solar type; In addition we estimated the activity proxies to the solar Maunder minimum, i.e. hSMW i = 0.1625 ± 0.0003, log hR0
HKi = −4.933 ± 0.002 and the variabilities σSMW = 1.1 × 10−7 and σlog R0 HK= 2.7 × 10−6; 3) Analysis and determination of the activity cycle of 28 stars of the solar type indicated in the literature as in the state of Maunder minimum; 4) Calibration of activity indexes based on the Ca II H&K lines using
the Coudé spectrograph located at the Pico dos Dias Observatory.