dc.description.abstract | In the last decades, we have noticed a reduction of mortality rates amongst under 5 years-old children, although a high number of deaths could be avoided. So, this age group received a new perspective by United Nations in 2015, aiming to finish avoidable deaths of newborn and under 5 years-old children. Therefore, this study aims to evaluate hospital morbidity and mortality in Brazil among under 5 years-oldchildren between 2007 and 2016. It is an transversal epidemiologic study, ecological and time series to be performed with usage of secondary data from Sistema de Informações Hospitalares do Sistema Único de Saúde (System of Hospital Information of Unique Health System, in free translation) and Informação sobre Mortalidade (Mortality Information System, in free translation) in last ten years (2007 to 2016) in a national range, available and extracted from national base of public domain by the Information Department of SUS. We used the following dependent variants: Children Mortality Estimation and Mortality Estimation of Children Among One and Under Five Years Old, percentual distribution of children hospital intakes and percentage of children among one and under five years old hospital intakes. As independent variants, we selected: Atenção Básica (Basic Attention Service, in free translation) coverage, immunization coverage, Bolsa Família Program coverage, Índice de Desenvolvimento Humano (Index of Human Deveolpment, in free translation), Gini Index and poverty proportion. Fora statistical data analysis, we used Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) program, 22.0 version, 10101141047 serial number, and we calculated the measures of central tendencies and dispersion. We also applied test t Student among Regiões Intermediárias de Articulação Urbana (Urban Articulation Intermediary Regions, in free translation). For spatial analysis and map construction, we used TerraView program, 4.2.2 version, and Geoda, 1.2 version. We noticed that, among under one-year old children, during the analyzed period, there was a variation in cause of deaths averages: as first cause, 33,56 (respiratory system); followed by 32,13 (diseases that come from perinatal period); and, at last, 17,07 (infectious and parasitic diseases). There was areduction in children mortality estimation when compared 16,43 average in 2007 and 13,41 in 2016. Regarding age group between one and four years old, first cause of illness was respiratory system (42,69); the second cause was infectious and parasitic diseases (25,84). Concerning mortality coefficient of 1 to 5-year-old children, we had these numbers: 2,84 in 2007 and 2,34 in 2016, highlighting in the age group deaths due to external
causes of morbidity and mortality.We verified clusters formation to hospital morbidity and mortality, presenting spatial dependence for events, independent age group, correlated to care and inequalities indicators. Thus, it shows the necessity of lowering social and regional inequality, besides raising access to health public services for children and quality of low and medium complexity health assistance, aiming to reduce grievance and children morbidity and mortality indicators | |