dc.contributorRodrigues, Larisse de Oliveira
dc.contributorRodrigues, Larisse de Oliveira
dc.contributorInácio, Miriam de Oliveira
dc.contributorBarros, Ilena Felipe
dc.creatorSilva, Cíntia Paixão da
dc.identifierSILVA, Cíntia Paixão da. A assistência estudantil no contexto do ensino remoto emergencial: uma análise das ações nos semestres de 2020.1 e 2020.2 na UFRN. 2022. 65f. Monografia (Graduação em Serviço Social) - Centro de Ciências Sociais Aplicadas, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, Natal, 2022.
dc.description.abstractThe present work discusses about student assistance in the context of emergency remote teaching, bringing an analysis of actions in the semesters of 2020.1 and 2020.2. The research has as general objective to analyze the changes in the UFRN student assistance policy from the adhesion to emergency remote teaching in the semesters of 2020.1 and 2020.2. Regarding the methodology, qualitative research with an exploratory character through documentary research and bibliographic research, supported by the theoretical referential historical dialectical materialism that seeks to understand social changes from the totality, that is, always taking into account the historical context. The work discusses the expansion of Brazilian higher education through the implementation of educational policies, highlighting the following policies: The Student Financing Fund (FIES), the University for All Program (PROUNI), the Support Program for Restructuring and Expansion Plans Federal Universities (REUNI), The National Student Assistance Program/PNAES and the Quota Policy. Then, the TCC discusses the changes in education policy with the adhesion to emergency remote teaching (ERE), thus, the conception of education in this context and what are its characteristics is discussed. The historical course of Brazilian student assistance is presented, from its first form of assistance to the implementation of the PNAES and how student assistance is organized at UFRN. weaknesses and the process of precariousness of teaching work in this context. Finally, the profile of the student assisted by the UFRN student assistance and the living conditions of the student and their families are presented through data provided by PROAE.
dc.publisherUniversidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte
dc.publisherServiço Social
dc.publisherDepartamento de Serviço Social
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Brazil
dc.subjectEnsino Superior
dc.subjectEnsino Remoto Emergencial
dc.subjectAssistência estudantil
dc.subjectHigher Education
dc.subjectEmergency Remote Teaching
dc.subjectStudent assistance
dc.titleA assistência estudantil no contexto do ensino remoto emergencial: uma análise das ações nos semestres de 2020.1 e 2020.2 na UFRN

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