Transconstitucionalismo entre direito internacional penal e direito estatal: contribuições à resolução de problemas constitucionais na relação entre o Estatuto de Roma e a Constituição Federal
2021-09-02Registro en:
LOPES FILHO, Francisco Camargo Alves. Transconstitucionalismo entre direito internacional penal e direito estatal: contribuições à resolução de problemas constitucionais na relação entre o Estatuto de Roma e a
Constituição Federal. 2021. 164f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Direito) - Centro de Ciências Sociais Aplicadas, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, Natal, 2021.
Lopes Filho, Francisco Camargo Alves
Since the end of the last century, new theories, motivated by the quantitative and qualitative
expansion of international law, have developed the study of the relations between domestic
law and international law based on a heterarchical paradigm, among which
transconstitutionalism, proposed by Marcelo Neves, stands out. Among the various
possibilities of its application, there is the relationship between international criminal law,
notably from the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court, and Brazilian law, around,
among others, the following constitutional problems: the application of the sentence of life
imprisonment, considering its prediction in the Rome Statute and its prohibition in the Federal
Constitution; the delivery of a national citizen for trial before the international court, in view
of the prohibition of extradition provided in the constitutional text; the imprescriptibility of
international crimes in the face of the interpretation made by the Federal Supreme Court
regarding the reserve of ordinary law. In this sense, it is intended to investigate the capacity of
transconstitutionalism to offer resolutions to such problems, as well as probable answers. For
this purpose, classical theories of the relationship between international law and state law and
their limitations will be analyzed; the transconstitutionalism and, in particular, its proposal of
transversal rationality for the intertwining between the international and state legal systems;
international criminal law and the order built around the Rome Statute, which instituted the
ICC, notably its foundations, objectives and governing principles; and, finally, the
incorporation of that treaty to the internal system and its legislative and jurisprudential
consequences. Throughout the work, a bibliographical and documentary research was carried
out, involving, notably, the texts of the lectures by Heinrich Triepel and Hans Kelsen given at
the The Hague Academy of International Law (dualism and monism) and by Marcelo Neves
(transconstitutionalism). Thus, it is expected to contribute to the construction, initiated by
Marcelo Neves, of the methodology of transconstitutionalism, as well as, indirectly, to the
development of heterarchical theories in general and studies between.