Correntropia complexa: definição, propriedades e aplicações
2019-09-30Registro en:
GUIMARÃES, João Paulo Ferreira. Correntropia complexa: definição, propriedades e aplicações. 2019. 116f. Tese (Doutorado em Engenharia Elétrica e de Computação) - Centro de Tecnologia, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, Natal, 2019.
Guimarães, João Paulo Ferreira
Recent studies have demonstrated that correntropy is an efficient tool for analyzing
higher-order statistical moments in non-Gaussian noise environments. Although correntropy has been used with complex-valued data, no theoretical study was pursued to elucidate its properties, nor how to best use it for optimization. By using a probabilistic interpretation, this work presents a novel similarity measure between two complex-valued
random variables, which is defined as complex correntropy. Its properties are studied
as well as a new recursive solution for the Maximum Complex Correntropy Criterion
(MCCC) and two algorithms are derived, one based on the ascendent gradient and a second one on a fixed-point solution. Simulations were made in order to evaluate how robust
this new measure is to impulsive noise in different problems: liner system identification,
channel equalization and in a compressive sensing problem. It is also shown the application of complex correntropy as a tool to analyse the similarity between angles. The
results demonstrate prominent advantages of the proposed method when compared with
the classical algorithms in the literature.