Corpos em mutações – Cartografia das sexualidades nômades na praça mits
2016-01-29Registro en:
OLIVEIRA, João Batista Figueredo de. Corpos em mutações – Cartografia das sexualidades nômades na praça mits. 2016. 110f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Ciências Sociais) - Centro de Ciências Humanas, Letras e Artes, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, Natal, 2016.
Oliveira, João Batista Figueredo de
This research is a cartography, which is based in the approaches of Gilles Deleuze and Felix Guattari, developed in the Mits square, situated at Natal-RN city, composed of groups of youngs LGBTTI. Through the reflexions in the text, we think that reality as space of nomad practices, using from the Deleuze and Guattarriconcept of nomadism. About the object's construction – “bodies in changing” -it happened by the reading of theorical and of the effects of affectations in camp upon ourselves. By this construction, we try to comprehend the bodies as an amplitude which houses subjectivity, organism, crowd, etc., in that we were finding, by the empirical look that, in someway, these dimensions cross themselves. We use the term "mutation/changing" based on field's reports and observations and focusing the transformations that the young ones allow themselves to experiment. The guiding hypothesis is that the Mits Square constitute a space that allows this changing and encourages the search for social and cultural expressions of youths that weekly engross that space which, in other hand,is constitutedin a place of multiplicities/diversities in constant motion connections.