Relatos da experiência rítmica/musical na Escola Estadual João Ferreira de Souza, na cidade de Santa Cruz-RN
2021-09-09Registro en:
FREITAS, Crisanto Dantas Sales de. Relatos da experiência rítmica/musical na Escola Estadual João Ferreira de Souza, na cidade de Santa Cruz-RN. 2021. 22 f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação em Pedagogia a Distância) - Centro de Educação, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, Natal, 2021.
Freitas, Crisanto Dantas Sales de
This article shows excerpts from the musical experience carried out in 2018 at the João Ferreira de Souza State School with students participating in the musical rhythmic project. This project took place through weekly classes with a view to the perception and rhythmic development of students enrolled in the school. contribution in the exchange of experiences to different age groups. As a guiding axis, the methodology of active methods was used, with a greater focus on the Dalcrozean pedagogy developed by Émile Jaques-Dalcroze (1865-1950), a proposal for teaching music that seeks to work on musical perception and the feeling of music enjoyment , the body and the senses as integral parts of the actions and proposals of musical education focused on this project. Dalcroze brings musical perception and feeling through rhythmic and melodic exercises with an emphasis on body movement and the solfeggio of notes and melodies. Finally, this musical experience in that school showed a significant advance in the musical education process of the research participants, leading them to perceive, develop and fully include themselves in musical education.