dc.contributorMedeiros, Marcos Fernando Machado de
dc.contributorAraújo, Richard Medeiros de
dc.contributorLopes, Alba de Oliveira Barbosa
dc.creatorSilva, Alana Teles
dc.identifierSILVA, Alana Teles. Melhoria de processos integrada ao ciclo PDCA: uma análise nas aquisições de bens do IFS - Campus Aracaju. 2019. 148f. Dissertação (Mestrado Profissional em Gestão Pública) - Centro de Ciências Sociais Aplicadas, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, Natal, 2019.
dc.description.abstractThe current public administration is developed in an attempt to achieve methods and tools capable of assisting in effective decision making and results that imply better performance. In this perspective, the Management by processes is a methodology that guides the administration of the activities developed in the organizational processes with a view to the improvement, quality and agility of its operations, possessing great adaptability to the public institutions. This research aims to develop an intervention project in the purchasing sector of the Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Sergipe - Campus Aracaju, with the purpose of strengthening the procurement procedure of this campus, and, consequently, of the public administration. In order to subsidize the work, a continuous improvement tool called PDCA Cycle (Plan: Plan, Do: Do, Check: Check and Action: Act) was used, whose mains objective is continuous organizational development, being pointed out by the literature as an instrument of easy application in several works. The research was classified as applied, exploratory, descriptive, bibliographical, documentary and case study, being performed the diagnosis of the procurement procedures of this campus, through a questionnaire script to obtain data from the team that operates the referred processes. With the application of the questionnaire emerged several imbroglios and the perception of necessity of the process managements on campus. Changes were proposed in the competencies of the actors, routines and deadlines of IN 01/2018, as well as the integration of the three preliminary activities of the campus procurement processes to this created design. The confrontation between the current and proposed scenarios resulted in the elimination of twenty-four activities that did not add value to the IFS-Campus Aracaju procurement processes, as well as a redefinition of the purpose of sixteen other activities. In the interview, complex obstacles were harvested that jeopardized the agility, efficiency and better performance of the processes, highlighting the scarcity of human, physical and budgetary resources, suggesting improvements proposals, in general, for each of them. The research was conclusive regarding the positive functionality of the use of the PDCA Cycle as a guiding methodology for the solution of institutional obstacles related to Process Management.
dc.rightsAcesso Aberto
dc.subjectGestão de processos
dc.subjectMapeamento de processos
dc.subjectBusiness process management
dc.subjectCiclo PDCA
dc.subjectCompras públicas
dc.titleMelhoria de processos integrada ao ciclo PDCA: uma análise nas aquisições de bens do IFS - Campus Aracaju

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