Estrutura litosférica da Bacia Potiguar com inversão simultânea de função do receptor e curvas de dispersão
2022-03-30Registro en:
BARBOSA, Thabita Sofia Gomes. Estrutura litosférica da Bacia Potiguar com inversão simultânea de função do receptor e curvas de dispersão. Orientador: Aderson Farias do Nascimento. 2022. 98f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Geodinâmica e Geofísica) - Centro de Ciências Exatas e da Terra, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, Natal, 2022.
Barbosa, Thabita Sofia Gomes
The opening of the South and Equatorial Atlantic during the Cretaceous gave rise to several
inland and marginal basins that make up the Northeast Brazilian rifting system. The Potiguar
Basin, located in the eastern end of the Brazilian equatorial margin is a product of this
complex rifting process. In its onshore portion the lithospheric structure is characterized by an
unusual surface heat flow with values above 101 mW/m² and low velocities of seismic waves
propagation at depths below 100 km. Therefore, in order to better understand the lithospheric
structure of this basin, we performed H-k stacking and joint inversion of receiver function and
dispersion curves for 16 stations located in the onshore Potiguar Basin and its around. Our
results show (i) a relatively thin crust (H ~30.1 km) beneath the Potiguar Basin when
compared to its surroundings (H ~32 km) (ii) the existence of an ~4.3 km/s anomalous layer
at depths between 30 - 40 km at most stations (iii) and the presence of a negative gradient at
approximately 125 km depth that likely represents an edge between shallow lithosphere and
asthenosphere (LAB). Thus, we propose that the anomalous S velocity layer just below Moho
is associated with deeper magmatic intrusions and these intrusions are the result of active
sublithospheric flow that keeps the basin lithosphere warm and thinned. Furthermore, we also
propose that direct heating of the sublithospheric mantle may be additionally contributing to
the elevated heat flux values at the surface.