A influência da mídia na formação de opinião da sociedade sobre a criminalização da pobreza
2020-11-25Registro en:
MENDES, Luamar Maria da Silva. A influência da mídia na formação de opinião da sociedade sobre a criminalização da pobreza. 2020. 65 f. Monografia (Graduação em Serviço Social) - Departamento de Serviço Social, Centro de Ciências Sociais Aplicadas, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, Natal, 2020.
Mendes, Luamar Maria da Silva
This present study aims to show how the media, as a vehicle for information, has a great role in shaping opinion in our society, and how television has been fueling the ideological processes of criminalizing the working class. We conducted a socio-historical analysis of Brazil to identify the genesis of criminalization of this vulnerable social class and directly affected by the capitalism production system. Following this line, we explore the issues of racism, poverty and social and race exclusion in the country, which are not restricted to mere concepts. Thus, based on research and data presentation, we indicate the strong influence that modern information vehicles, such as television and internet, have from the moment they expose daily facts criminalizing poverty to the population. Also starting from empirical data, an analysis was carried out regarding police-related programs, highlighting, besides the structure of this journalism, a study of the program itself, bringing out news and comments. We analyzed, through an interview, the perception of some people from this criminalized segment of the population and who is directly affected by the hate speech that tends to propagated, starting from the point of view of the social portion that hears and passes on the speech – becoming common sense. Therefore, based on a bibliographic and empirical research carried out over four months (august to november), we conclude that there is a decisive influence of the discourse of the television media to historically feed the criminalization processes of poor and black people in Brazil.