| masterThesis
Utilização de Novas Tecnologias de Telecomunicações em Plataformas Petrolíferas Offshore
2006-07-31Registro en:
JESUS JÚNIOR, Salvador Fernandes de. Utilização de Novas Tecnologias de Telecomunicações em Plataformas Petrolíferas Offshore. 2006. 67 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Automação e Sistemas; Engenharia de Computação; Telecomunicações) - Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, Natal, 2006.
Jesus Júnior, Salvador Fernandes de
This dissertation describes the use of new Technologies of the Areas of Telecommunications, Networks and Industrial Automation for increase of the Operational Safety and obtaining of Operational Improvements in the Platforms Petroliferous Offshore. The presented solution represents the junction of several modules of these areas, making possible the Supervision and Contrai of the Platforms Petroliferous Offshore starting from an Station Onshore, in way similar to a remote contral, by virtue of the visualization possibility and audition of the operational area through cameras and microphones, looking the operator of the system to be "present" in the platform. This way, it diminishes the embarked people's need, increasing the Operational Safety. As consequence, we have the obtaining of Operational Improvements, by virtue of the use of a digital link of large band it releases multi-service. In this link traffic simultaneously digital signs of data (Ethernet Network), telephony (Phone VoIP), image and sound