A violência da bifobia: efeitos da estrutura heteropatriarcal-monossexista contra mulheres bissexuais
2022-07-13Registro en:
GOMES, Andressa Michelly dos Santos. A violência da bifobia: efeitos da estrutura heteropatriarcal-monossexista contra mulheres bissexuais. 2022. 48f. Monografia (Graduação em Serviço Social) - Centro de Ciências Sociais Aplicadas, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, Natal, 2022.
Gomes, Andressa Michelly dos Santos
This Course Conclusion Work seeks to offer an analysis of the biphobia suffered by bisexual women in Brazilian society. Aiming to identify the effects of monosexist heteropatriarchy among these women, it analyzes its relationship with biphobic violence and reflects on the prejudice rooted in our society around this issue. It uses bibliographic research to build the theoretical basis and empirical research through semi-structured interviews with three young bisexual women. The data indicate that biphobia presents peculiar aspects of oppression, since for the interviewees, bisexual women suffer different situations of discrimination, primarily by the heterosexual population, but also at times by the homosexual population. The work argues that biphobia is one of the forms of violence that, although it is invisible and little discussed, is recurrent in the scope of monosexist heteropatriarchal capitalist society.