Integração conceptual sob a ótica da cognição ecológica nos jogos de RPG
2019-09-16Registro en:
SILVA, Eduardo Alves da. Integração conceptual sob a ótica da cognição ecológica nos jogos de RPG. 2019. 118f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Estudos da Linguagem) - Centro de Ciências Humanas, Letras e Artes, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, Natal, 2019.
Silva, Eduardo Alves da
This master thesis investigates how the experiences of our physical and situational
environment are present in the phenomenon of conceptual integration (FAUCONNIER;
TURNER, 2002) during the production of discourse in the role-playing games (RPG). In
this game, the participant should make use of a discourse based on simulations
(BARSALOU, 1999) for the formation of meaning. In RPG, the player uses a complex
network of concept integration for conceptual negotiation. To do so, the player uses
strategies to integrate previous concepts with new situations and create totally different
ones from what initially thought to suit the game. The research demonstrates how RPG
players absorb a new concept that must be created ad hoc (BARSALOU, 1983) to supply
their understanding needs by entering not only the surface of the text but by performing a
mental simulation (BARSALOU, 1999). During the process, the participant performs a
simulative immersion through situational models (ZWAAN; RADVANSKY, 1998) specially
created to meet the conceptual demand required in the game and entering "on the
character’s skin". Due to the motor resonance (ZWAAN; TAYLOR, 2006) required in
cognitive recruitment during the conceptual integration process, we believe the players
use ecological strategies to achieve their goals (DUQUE, 2015b, 2016, 2017). The
research takes as a method the explicative and empirical-analytical process in a
qualitative way in order to revisit the current theory of conceptual integration in the
Cognitive Linguistics area. The results suggest that the physical and environmental bias
is has greater influence than expected in an integration of concepts than the mere
correlation of analogues and compressions of vital relationships, which immanently shows
the ecological character of our cognition in this type of phenomenon.