Sobre formas e processos: projeto de um condomínio de casas a partir de princípios da gramática da forma
2014-03-10Registro en:
CALDAS, Mariana Pires Gurgel. Sobre formas e processos: projeto de um condomínio de casas a partir
de princípios da gramática da forma. 2014. 147f. Dissertação (Mestrado Profissional em Arquitetura, Projeto e Meio Ambiente) - Centro de Tecnologia, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, Natal, 2014.
Caldas, Mariana Pires Gurgel
With the intention of studying and developing the design process based on a specific
methodology, the object of this work is to present the design of a gated condominium
community in Natal based on the application of principles of shape grammar, used in their
design process. The shape grammar is a design method developed in the 1970s by George
Stiny and James Gips. It is used for the analysis of the project as well as for its synthesis, with
the goal of creating a "formal vocabulary" through mathematical and/or geometrical
operations. Here, the methodology was used in the synthesis of the design process, through
the relationship between formal subtractions and the houses’ architectural planning. As a
result, five dwellings configurations were proposed, each one different from the other with
respect to their shape and architectural programming, distributed in three twin groups, which
are repeated until the final total of nine architectural volumes. In addition to studies of the
condominium’s ventilation and the buildings’ shading simulations, studies of spatial
flexibility and acoustic performance were also performed. The mapping of the design process,
one of the specific objectives of the dissertation, was composed not only by the record of
formal constraints (the preparation and application of rules), but also by physical,
environmental, legal and sustainability aspects in relation to, on one hand, the optimization of
the shading and passive ventilation for hot and humid climates, and, on the other hand, the
modulation and rationalization of the construction.