A carne mais barata continua sendo a carne negra: a ação do Estado frente aos casos de violências contra a juventude negra
2022-07-13Registro en:
SILVA, Ana Paula de Oliveira e. A carne mais barata continua sendo a carne negra: a ação do Estado frente aos casos de violências contra a juventude negra. 2022. 57f. Monografia (Graduação em Serviço Social) - Centro de Ciências Sociais Aplicadas, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, Natal, 2022.
Silva, Ana Paula de Oliveira e
This monograph deals with the socio-historical determinations that state action in the face of cases of violence against black youth, with the objective of identify the punitive and coercive function of the State, through the naturalization of violence against black youth, evidencing structural racism in Brazilian society. For the development of the proposed objective, we carried out a bibliographical research based on from the perspective of historical-dialectical materialism, subsidized by the theoretical deepening in works of authors who discuss the categories of studies worked racism, the state, and violence against black youth. In addition, we also use documentary research, with the purpose of examining some legal provisions that had racial segregational bias in the 19th century. Thus, it is from the analysis of quantitative research already carried out by governmental agencies and non-governmental organizations that we demonstrate the naturalization of violence against young black people as a consequence of racism in contemporary times. Finally, it is concluded that during the process of formation of Brazilian society racism was consolidated in social relations, by means of the moral standard instituted by a ruling class that aimed to exploit a race in order to accumulate wealth.