dc.contributorRibeiro, Karyna Myrelly Oliveira Bezerra de Figueiredo
dc.contributorLuiz Felipe Tavares
dc.contributorRibeiro, Karyna Myrelly Oliveira Bezerra de Figueiredo
dc.contributorTavares, Luiz Felipe
dc.contributorFreitas, Raysa Vanessa de Medeiros
dc.creatorLaurentino, André Luís Barbosa de Araújo
dc.identifierLAURENTINO, André Luís Barbosa de Araújo. Efeitos do treinamento proprioceptivo e sensoriomotor em atletas com lesão osteomioarticular em membros inferiores: um protocolo de revisão sistemática. 2019. 32 f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação em Fisioterapia), Centro de Ciências da Saúde, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, Natal, 2019.
dc.description.abstractIntroduction: Injury is the term used to define a limitation in function, which requires medical attention and removes the athlete from his or her activities, whether in training or game. Lower limb injuries usually involves hip, knee, shin, and ankle. They can limit fundamental movements for sports like running, jumping and changing direction, changing mechanical and functional stability. A rupture of osteomioarticular structure can compromise the mechanoreceptors and consequently decrease the proprioceptive capacity. As a result, the proprioception and sensorimotor system stimulation has been used by physiotherapy in the rehabilitation of these lesions. Objective: To elaborate a systematic review protocol that evaluates the effects of proprioceptive and sensorimotor training in athletes who suffered lower limbs osteomioarticular injury. Methodology: The PICO strategy was used to establish the question that guides the review search. The protocol was structured through the Review Manager 5.3 program and followed the Prisma-P checklist. The search will be done in the databases MEDLINE, LILACS, PubMed, PEDro, Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials; EMBASE (OvidSP); CINAHL (EBSCO); Web of Science; Scopus and gray literature. Randomized Controlled trials with proprioceptive and sensorimotor training in athletes with lower limb injuries will be included. Two independent reviewers will evaluate articles for eligibility. A third reviewer will resolve any disagreement. Conclusion: The systematic review will benefit health professionals, especially physiotherapists, optimizing therapy and aiming to return the athlete as fast as possible, and serving as a guide for future research on new issues within this problematic.
dc.publisherUniversidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte
dc.subjecttraumatismos em atletas
dc.subjectmembros inferiores
dc.subjectequilíbrio postural
dc.titleEfeitos do treinamento proprioceptivo e sensoriomotor em atletas com lesão osteomioarticular em membros inferiores: um protocolo de revisão sistemática

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