Émile Jaques-Dalcroze nas abordagens pedagógicas de videoaulas para musicalização no CIART-EMUFRN: um olhar analítico na perspectiva de uma monitora durante a pandemia da COVID-19
2020-11-20Registro en:
CALHEIROS, Elizabeth de Araújo. Émile Jaques-Dalcroze nas abordagens pedagógicas de videoaulas para musicalização no CIART-EMUFRN: um olhar analítico na perspectiva de uma monitora durante a pandemia da COVID-19. 2020. 42f. Monografia (Licenciatura em Música) – Escola de Música, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, Natal, 2020.
Calheiros, Elizabeth de Araújo.
This research seeks to identify the proposal of Émile Jaques-Dalcroze in the
pedagogical approaches of CIART-EMUFRN interns, in the asynchronous music
classes of the 1st year classes, in the period 2020.1. For this, a qualitative,
descriptive and exploratory research is carried out, under the hypothetical-deductive
method, based on a case study. As the 1st year of CIART has 4 subjects, and each
subject has 10 video lessons, the data were collected through the descriptive
analysis of the pedagogical approaches of each video lesson. This procedure was
carried out in all subjects of the 1st year of CIART: Musical Appreciation, Sound
Education, Singing and Movement and Rhythmic Band. In the end, it appears that
most video classes have Dalcrozian ideas in the methodological approaches of
scholarship monitors, confirming the hypothesis.