dc.contributorGomes, Alexandro Teixeira
dc.contributorAquino, Lucelio Dantas de
dc.contributorSousa, Gilton Sampaio de
dc.creatorMedeiros, Jane
dc.identifierMEDEIROS, Jane. Proposta didática para o ensino da responsabilidade enunciativa no gênero discursivo crônica. 2016. 109f. Dissertação (Mestrado Profissional em Letras - Profletras/CN) - Centro de Ensino Superior do Seridó, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, Natal, 2016.
dc.description.abstractThe enunciative responsibility has been understood as a phenomenon that seek to spot the assumption or not by saying on the part of the speaker of the text according to point out Adam (2011) and Gomes (2014). The text, so, is being explored from now on, based on its discursive materiality, considering certain levels or plans of analysis proposed by Adam(2011). In this research, we hold to the seven level of enunciation by Adam (2011) which proposes to study to study the phenomenon of the Enunciative Responsibility in the discursive genre chronicle. Therefore, it was our purpose to verify how to manifest the referred phenomenon in the discursive genre chronicle taking as object of analysis four chronicles chosen from the collection “Para gostar de Ler”' , of the year 2003. From the theoretical point of view, we support us in authors like Adam (2011), Gomes (2014), Lourenço (2015), Marcuschi (2008), Koch (2014), Fávero and Koch (2012), Koch and Travaglia (2015), Mussalim and Bentes (2010), Rodrigues, Passeggi and Silva Neto (2010), among others. From the methodological point of view, our research reports two moments, being the first point referred the analysis of the phenomenon of the Enunciative Responsibility in the discursive genre chosen; the second moment the elaboration of a didactic sequence considering the basic assumptions of the enunciative responsibility in the construction of the argumentative purpose of the producer of chronicle genre. In relation to the first moment, we notice that the producer of the text take up or not the enunciative responsibility by saying in order to accomplishment of his argumentative purpose. Therefore, considering that there is a great heterogeneity of PDV in the discursive genre under study, we found in the 4 chronicles analyzed, 93 occurrences of marks of (non) enunciative responsibility. So, in Carta ao Prefeito by Rubem Braga, the first chronicle analyzed, the speaker's PDV can be realized in assertion marks, referred to the first person, index of people, as well as through the use of modalizers. In the second chronicle under study, O telefone, also by Rubem Braga, we realized not only the speaker's PDV, but also other enunciative sources that can be noticed through reported discourse markers and graphic and spelling elements. In the third and fourth chronicles, Glória by Carlos Drummond de Andrade and Em código de Fernando Sabino, respectively, we also have, besides the speaker's PDV, other enunciative sources through the use of speech assignment verbs, different types of speech representation (direct speech, indirect speech), assertion marks referring to the third person and index of people. In relation to the second moment, we hope which the sequence represented contributed to the Portuguese Language teaching, providing the student an advance in developing their specific skills, improving their criticality and positioning on the text.
dc.rightsAcesso Aberto
dc.subjectAnálise textual dos discursos
dc.subjectResponsabilidade enunciativa
dc.subjectGênero crônica
dc.subjectSequência didática
dc.titleProposta didática para o ensino da responsabilidade enunciativa no gênero discursivo crônica

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