dc.contributorBarillas, Jennys Lourdes Meneses
dc.contributorDutra Junior, Tarcilio Viana
dc.contributorBarillas, Jennys Lourdes Meneses
dc.contributorDutra Junior, Tarcilio Viana
dc.contributorPenninck Junior, Marcelo
dc.creatorMadruga Filho, Ricardo de Castro
dc.identifierMADRUGA FILHO, Ricardo de Castro. Análise dos processos de injeção contínua de CO2 e água em reservatórios com características do pré-sal. 2017. 56 f. TCC (Graduação) - Curso de Engenharia de Petróleo, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, Natal, Brasil, 2017.
dc.description.abstractThe pre-salt field is composed of large concentrations of light oil, with good quality and high commercial value, being an important historic mark in the last decades in Brazil and in the world. There are several reservoir recovery techniques. Water injection is an oil displacement process, widely used in the oil industry due to its wide availability and low operating cost. CO2 injection could be considered a miscible method, this process eliminates the interfacial tensions of the fluids. In this research the CO2 and water injection processes were performed in reservoirs with pre-salt characteristics, through fluid modeling, reservoir simulation, drilling and completion of several well configurations and a comparative analysis between the two processes, by numerical simulation method in CMG software, WinProp, Builder, GEM and Results Graphics and 3D. Seeking to obtain the best production method, according to the recovery factor, analyzing the injections patterns, the injection rate and the completion. This research contributed to show that the use of primary production to the reservoir studied gave a recovery factor response of 14.11%, with the application of water injection as a recovery method reached 57.77%, while the injection of miscible CO2 reached 94.95%. Another key factor is the reuse of a compound that causes environmental impacts on an ally, reducing the problem and increasing recovery simultaneously.
dc.publisherUniversidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte
dc.publisherEngenharia de Petróleo
dc.subjectInjeção de CO2
dc.subjectCO2 flooding
dc.subjectInjeção de água
dc.subjectWater flooding
dc.subjectBrazilian pre salt
dc.subjectSimulação de reservatórios
dc.subjectResevoir simulation
dc.subjectRecuperação avançada de petróleo
dc.subjectEnhanced oil recovery
dc.subjectRecuperação especial de petróleo
dc.subjectImproved oil recovery
dc.titleAnálise dos processos de injeção contínua de CO2 e água em reservatórios com características do pré-sal.

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