Estrutura da população de Coleodactylus natalensis Freire, 1999 (Squamata: Sphaerodactylidae) no Parque Estadual Dunas de Natal, Rio Grande do Norte, Brasil
2008-05-26Registro en:
LISBOA, Carolina Maria Cardoso Aires. Estrutura da população de Coleodactylus natalensis Freire, 1999 (Squamata: Sphaerodactylidae) no Parque Estadual Dunas de Natal, Rio Grande do Norte, Brasil. 2008. 73 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Biodiversidade; Biologia Estrutural e Funcional.) - Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, Natal, 2008.
Lisboa, Carolina Maria Cardoso Aires
Coleodactylus natalensis Freire, 1999, an endemic species of Atlantic Forest fragments around the Natal municipality, Rio Grande do Norte State, Brazil, has as type locality the Parque Estadual Dunas de Natal (05º48 S to 05º53 S and 35º09 W to
35º12 W), one of the largest restinga (herb and shrub association on sand dunes along the Brazilian coastline) associate fragment, surrounded by urban zone, placed on setentrional Atlantic Forest limits. We made estimates on populational density, spatial distribution, habitat and microhabitat preferences and feeding ecological aspects like sazonal and sexual variations on diet, prey electivities and niche breadth. We randomly sampled ninety-six 50m2 quadrants in each of the four habitats identified in the study area. Were collected 49 specimens and their stomach contents were analyzed; prey items found were correlated
with leaf-litter invertebrates from habitat samples. We found a 98,5 ± 75,5 individuals/ha density, in grouped distribution pattern on densest habitats and random distribution on
others habitats. This species lives mostly on leaf-litter in forest habitats, in higher humidity points, with lower temperatures, deeper leaf litter and lower sea level elevations than the randomly chosen points in the study area. Isopoda and Aranae were the most important prey categories in numeric, frequency and volumetric terms. Niche breadth has an intermediate value and was variable in sexual and in habitat terms. There was no correlation between morfometric measures and prey size on diet. The C. natalensis population studied seems to be diet opportunist, although selects larger prey items. The Parque Estadual das Dunas do Natal has several indications of anthropic pressure from the surrounding urban area that may affects the local C. natalensis population. Thus, the fragility of this species calls for urgent conservation efforts