Os espaços da modernidade: alteridades espaciais na literatura de José Lins do Rêgo (1932 - 1936)
2021-01-12Registro en:
SILVA FILHO, Juscelino Barros da. Os espaços da modernidade: alteridades espaciais na literatura de José Lins do Rêgo (1932 - 1936). 2021. 126f. Dissertação (Mestrado em História) - Centro de Ciências Humanas, Letras e Artes, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, Natal, 2021.
Silva Filho, Juscelino Barros da
In this work we analyze the discursive production of the internato, the cidade and the usina,
spaces of otherness in relation to the space of the engenho banguê, in the literature of the
novelist and memorialist José Lins do Rêgo. We intend to problematize the symbolic
dimension: meanings, values and images, mobilized by this scholar to constitute these
spatialities, that is, how the figurative construction of these literary spaces takes place in his
work. We start from the assumption that the most different spaces are social constructions, the
result of material and symbolic investments, carried out at a given moment and by certain
subjects. Our research had as main sources the works of the so-called '' sugar cane cycle '',
notably the novels Doidinho (1933), Moleque Ricardo (1935) and Usina (1936), but because
we are situated in the field of cultural history, we work with a variety of sources: memorial
writings, newspapers and letters exchanged. Our time frame is based on the publication period
of the analyzed works: it starts in 1933 - date of publication of the first novel Doidinho - and
goes until 1936 - date of publication of the last one, Usina.