Controle social na saúde: a importância e papel da ouvidoria e a Carta de Direitos dos Usuários como instrumentos de acesso e direito à saúde
2018-11-27Registro en:
ALEXANDRE, Adriana Alves. Controle social na saúde: A importância e papel da Ouvidoria e a Carta de Direitos dos Usuários como instrumentos de acesso e direito à saúde. 2018. 71f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação em Serviço Social), Departamento de Ciências Sociais Aplicadas, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, Natal, 2018.
Alexandre, Adriana Alves
This paper makes an appreciation of the theme of Social Control in Health: Emphasizing the importance and role of social control mechanisms as tools for access to health rights. Aiming to analyze the mechanisms of social control in the realization of rights in health and to investigate the role of the Social Worker in the contribution to disseminate these instruments of social control in their social and occupational space. These elements are the Health Users Rights Letter and the SUS Natal-RN Ombudsman's Office. The Ombudsman's Office is an important instance of social control, where the user can access directly to place their demands in relation to the deficiencies in the service and services provided by public health in the city of Natal and have met those needs, and should be effectively given answers to the citizen. As well as, the Charter of the rights of users is an important document where elenca principles that strengthen the rights in health. The challenge, however, is to make users aware of these rights and more than that, to strive for them to be effectively implemented in practice. In this way, both the Ombudsman's Office and the Charter can contribute to the guarantee of access to rights. However, it is not only important that these instruments be publicized and known by the population, but that there is participation with the instances of social control, demanding from the State that these rights be implemented in the daily practice of health care. The Social Worker has a fundamental role in this process of orientation and support to users, contributing to disseminate these instruments of social control in their daily work space. We used bibliographical and documentary research to give theoretical basis to the work and the analysis of the elements. We conclude from these researches on the subject that the mechanisms of social control discussed here are of great contribution to the strengthening and access to health rights, and that the social worker can use these instruments in social occupational space to inform the user that it has legal resources in its favor, enabling social control in health and access to rights.