Progressões e Matemática financeira- Mostrar as relações existentes entre as progressões geométricas e os conceitos básicos da Matemática Financeira
2016Registro en:
ALMEIDA, Maria Aparecida Pinheiro. Progressões e Matemática financeira- Mostrar as relações existentes entre as progressões geométricas e os conceitos básicos da Matemática Financeira. 2016. 59 f. Monografia (Especialização em Ensino de Matemática), Centro de Ciências Exatas e da Terra, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, Natal, 2016.
Almeida, Maria Aparecida Pinheiro
This study aimed to present a survey of the relationship between the Geometric Progressions and the basic concepts of Financial Mathematics In this sense the research focuses on the discipline as an important member of the curriculum because there is a lack of study of discipline in secondary schools, focusing on the use of Geometric Progression discriminating formulas and classifications to be part of the whole theory of Financial Mathematics elencando its basic concepts, the relationship between time and money, thus, follows up with the assumption that they are complementary, as the compound interest is linked to Geometric Progressions ,and such admission is very useful. The concepts of Geometric Progression are crucial to the study of financial mathematics.