Projeto de controladores para sistemas de segunda ordem com atraso via resposta em frequência
2019-05-03Registro en:
DANTAS, Nelson José Bonfim. Projeto de controladores para sistemas de segunda ordem com atraso via resposta em frequência. 2019. 57f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Engenharia Mecatrônica) - Centro de Tecnologia, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, Natal, 2019.
Dantas, Nelson José Bonfim
The solution of second order systems control problems is located in the engineering
challenges.Phenomena such as mechanical vibrations, resonance and so many can be described mathematically by these types of systems. This work has as main objective to solve
a problem of design of controller by state feedback for second order systems with delay
using frequency response approach, which dispenses with the need for approximations
to the delay, thus ensuring that the solutions found do not require a posteriori analysis.
By mathematically defining the control problem as an optimization problem, a search for
controller gains is made using a genetic algorithm, with the project parameter to ensure
that the Nyquist curve of the system remains at a sufficient distance from the instability
region . This methodology aims to ensure that the calculated gains result in robust systems
so that even subject to parameter changes, still remain stable. The results of simulations
at the end of the work were satisfactory within the desired specifications.