Professoras primárias do Seridó Norte-Rio-Grandense – Maria José do Nascimento, Olívia Pereira e Theodora Valle (1927-1947)
2016-02-19Registro en:
ARAÚJO, Nanael Simão de. Professoras primárias do Seridó Norte-Rio-Grandense – Maria José do Nascimento, Olívia Pereira e Theodora Valle (1927-1947). 2016. 114f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Educação) - Centro de Educação, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, Natal, 2016.
Araújo, Nanael Simão de
This study aims to analyze the educational practices of teachers Maria José do Nascimento, Olivia Pereira and Theodora Valle, in the region Seridó of Rio Grande do Norte, between the years 1927 to 1947. In this period, these teachers worked in primary educational institutions, as rudimentary schools and school groups. The documentary sources used in this study include: newspaper articles, government messages, laws and decrees, located at the Institute of History and Geography of Rio Grande do Norte, school documents such as record book, book of movable property and book of school events located in rthe school Antonio Batista Group (located in the municipality of Jucurutu/RN) and School Group Senador Guerra (in the municipality of Caicó/RN), as well as testimonials from former students, family and co-workers of these teachers. In the case of a historical character study, based on the perspective of cultural history, it fundamented us in the theorizing of Burke (1992), Certeau (2002), Chartier (1990) and Morais, M. (1996). When researching the educational practices of these primary teachers, we aim to show their contributions to the educational development of seridoenses, especially in the teaching of reading, writing and calculation, given that, as stipulated in Law No. 405 of 29 November 1916, the current primary instruction in schools potiguares in the first decades of the twentieth century should prioritize the teaching of these subjects. We aim also to expose the involvement of these teachers in primary school expansion process for the wilderness of North Rio Grande, even in smaller cities, towns and villages of the Seridó Where these professionals taught.