A questão do consumo e tráfico de drogas e a mortalidade da juventude em Natal - RN: desafios e estratégias
2021-04-19Registro en:
NASCIMENTO, Débora Barreto do. A questão do consumo e tráfico de drogas e a mortalidade da juventude em Natal - RN: desafios e estratégias. 2021. 60f. Monografia (Graduação em Serviço Social) - Departamento de Serviço Social, Centro de Ciências Sociais Aplicadas, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, Natal, 2021.
Nascimento, Débora Barreto do
It addresses the issue of youth mortality in the State of Rio Grande do Norte with na emphasis on the reality of the city of Natal, related to the use and trafficking of drugs. It aims to understand the determinants that shape the context of youth mortality and its relationship with drug use and trafficking. It constitutes a social research carried out based on bibliographic and documentary studies, which shows the profile of young people who have been affected by violence in RN and in the Municipality of Natal considering others, sex, race, age, education, marital status and occupation. It also addresses issues of poverty and the influence of social media on young people's lives. It presents the pattern of occurrences in Natal, highlighting data related to the type of lethal conduct and the instrument used in homicides. It delimits a comparative analysis in the light of statistical data, between the years 2017 to 2019 in order to verify the variation of this mortality. It presents the determinants of this issue in the city of Natal / RN and highlights the particularities of the administrative zones and neighborhoods that concentrate the highest mortality and drug supply rates. It finds that the problem in Natal has higher rates in the North administrative zones (divided into two), specifically in the neighborhood of Nossa Senhora da Presentation. This region is marked by inequality and the absence of public policies shaped by a neoliberal context, being selective and palliative. In view of this, the study identifies the care gaps present and associates this as one of the determinants that lead to the greatest supply of drugs in the region. Perceives the association of Youth mortality in RN and in Natal with use, trafficking and criminal associations. Faced with the challenges challenges, it designs the strategies formulated by the State and civilsociety to cope.