Uma contribuição metodológica ao estudo da segurança viária urbana em pontos críticos
2021-09-10Registro en:
FERNANDES, Italo Marcos Pereira. Uma contribuição metodológica ao estudo da segurança viária urbana em pontos críticos. 2021. 15f. Trabalho de conclusão de curso (Graduação em Engenharia Civil) - Centro de Tecnologia, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, Natal, 2021.
Fernandes, Italo Marcos Pereira
The search for safe urban mobility is an essential component in the development of public policies. In this context, the study of road conditions through safety analysis tools may reduce the risk of accidents and deaths during displacement. The presence of works with focus on quantitative data collection is notable in specialized bibliography. However, these studies do not differentiate the important aspects in each physical component of the transit system: user, vehicle, road and surroundings. The objective of the study is to develop a safety analysis methodology applied in critical points in some cases of the Natal/RN. In this study, a checklist was created containing risk factors associated with the occurrence and severity of accidents found in literature, correlating them with the physical components of the traffic system and applied in three critical points in the Natal/RN. Thus, it was possible to identify problematic factors such as the presence of large traffic generating points, visual pollution and lack of shoulders near the analysed intersections. The present study may help in the elaboration of efficient public policies, thus providing an improvement in urban mobility in a safe and sustainable way.