História e evolução da carcinicultura no Rio Grande do Norte
2022-02-15Registro en:
BARBOSA, Ana Beatriz Rodrigues. História e evolução da carcinicultura no Rio Grande do Norte. 2022. 32 f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação em Engenharia de Aquicultura) – Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, Natal, 2022.
Barbosa, Ana Beatriz Rodrigues
Aquaculture is the production of predominantly aquatic organisms, at any stage of development, and involving a confined and controlled space. Today, it is practiced in all Brazilian states and mainly covers the following modalities: fish farming, shrimp farming, frog farming and malacoculture (DE OLIVEIRA, 2015). The main objective of the work is to approach and analyze the emergence of shrimp farming in the State of Rio Grande do Norte and its development. It is proposed, therefore, to present reflections and discuss the production stages and perspectives of fish in the state, as well as solutions to increase production and reduce producers' costs. From this point of view, the main merit of the shrimp farming sector is to generate business opportunities, work, income and, above all, its ability to significantly contribute to reducing social inequalities and reversing the coastal rural exodus (ROCHA et al., 2010).