dc.contributorMelo, Elda Silva do Nascimento
dc.contributorMomo, Mariangela
dc.contributorSampaio, Marisa Narcizo
dc.contributorTavares, Andrezza Maria Batista do Nascimento
dc.contributorBenevides, Araceli Sobreira
dc.creatorAlmeida, Carlineide Justina da Silva
dc.identifierALMEIDA, Carlineide Justina da Silva. Representação social de professores da educação infantil de Angicos/RN sobre formação continuada. 2016. 155f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Educação) - Centro de Educação, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, Natal, 2016.
dc.description.abstractThe new paradigms which surround Brazilian educational scenario involve, among other discussions, thoughts on the teacher development. This field has been proved to be a fruitful object of study regarding academic and collaborative research, due to the fact that we found in this context specific inherent themes to the action of their training needs, as well as, social status, professional valorization and the teacher‘s own identity. Under this assumption, this research sought to understand and describe the social representation of the Pre-School teachers in Angicos/RN, focusing on the teacher‘s development, mainly pondering on how this representation interferes in their educational practice and also outlining the reasons why they attend such development courses. We founded and supported our object of study in the challenges of the Social Representation Theory - SRT, elaborated by Serge Moscovici (1976). We chose the aforementioned theory because of the discursive possibilities that it proposes to understand the social reality, considering the common sense as an essential point for the construction of the representations of those subjects on a given object. The theory was further deepened by other scholars such as: Jodelet (2001), Doise (2001) and Abric (2001), who were necessary to this study for the level of their reflections on the development of techniques to accurately certify the constitution of a SR. We also followed the reflections of Saviani (2009), Freitas (2003), Mizukami (2002), Tardif (2011), Perrenoud (2001), for teacher training, in addition to the epistemological discussions focused on Pre-School, according to the postulates of Angoti (2006), Oliveira (2011), Azevedo (2013). The methodology addressed included the following instruments: The Technique of Free Association of Words - TFAW, proposed by Abric (1994), The Technique for Ranking Items, Vergès (1992), The Technique of Content Analysis, developed by Bardin (2009), observation and semi-structured interviews from the reflections of Amado (2009). The data allowed us to identify that the SR of the teachers in Angicos/RN about teacher‘s continuing development are structured on three key elements: knowledge, learning and training. However, we noticed through observation in loco that the speeches of some teachers do not match their practices, since we corroborate with Jodelet (2001), when she says that the SR should be a guide for action. The group of teachers is divided because some are aware that their professional recognition requires a new attitude, a new approach to the educational practices carried out in the level of education to which they are inserted. Even though some teachers are aware of their attitudes, they still reproduce paternalistic practices, reaffirming inside the group that the representation of Pre-School is the paternalism. Therefore, we have come to the conclusion that new elements integrate the social representation of the teachers about the continuing educational training; however, they are unable to configure it as a new SR of this field in relation to the teacher development because there are some symbolic barriers preventing the consolidation of their speeches into their practice.
dc.rightsAcesso Aberto
dc.subjectFormação continuada
dc.subjectRepresentação social
dc.subjectEducação infantil
dc.titleRepresentação social de professores da educação infantil de Angicos/RN sobre formação continuada

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