Estudo dos compósitos de PURM com rejeitos do porcelanato e da Scheelita para aplicações em isolantes térmicos
2018-01-18Registro en:
GALVÃO, Álvaro César Pontes. Estudo dos compósitos de PURM com rejeitos do porcelanato e da Scheelita para aplicações em isolantes térmicos. 2018. 90f. Tese (Doutorado em Engenharia Mecânica) - Centro de Tecnologia, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, Natal, 2018.
Galvão, Álvaro César Pontes
The use of a polyurethane foam from a renewable source, as the case of the foam from the castor oil and addition of waste (scheelite and porcelain stoneware) plentiful in the northeast region of Brazil, would represent a reduction of consume in limited source foam. Due to this, it is verified the necessity of studies concerning to the thermophysical/mechanical performance of this foam composites with both the scheelite processing and polishing porcelain stoneware wastes for thermal insulation purposes. This research aimed to develop composites of rigid polyurethane foam from ricin oil (PURM) with stoneware porcelain (PRP) and scheelite (PRS) waste which could be used as thermal insulation, aiming the reduction of costs and raw material consume; furthermore, to contribute with the sustainable development of these industries. In this study were used PRS and PRP microparticles for confection and characterization of PURM composites. These composites were thermophysical characterized with tests of thermal conductivity, specific heat, thermal diffusivity and thermogravimetry. Material properties such as density, compressive strength and hardness were also analyzed in the PURM+PRS and PURM+PRP composites. The cellular structures of these PURM composites were analyzed by MEV (Scanning Electron Microscopy) with chemical microanalysis EDS (Energy Dispersive X-Ray Spectroscopy). It was verified that the best composites with insulating properties were PURM+5PRP125 and PURM+5PRP300-600 because they had a lower thermal conductivity than other PURM composites. The same occurred for the PURM+5PRS composites, also for both particle sizes (125 μm and between 300 and 600 μm). However, comparing the thermal insulation efficiency based on the lower values of thermal conductivity and higher specific heat, the PURM+5PRP125 composite was the one which presented the closest thermal behavior value to PURM-Pure, likewise exhibited higher thermal insulation than the other PURM composites and the commercially available thermal insulators (rock wool, glass wool, EPS, and others).