Catálogo de recomendações para auxiliar adoção ou transformação ágil
2018-07-30Registro en:
FARIAS, Eriton de Barros. Catálogo de recomendações para auxiliar adoção ou transformação ágil. 2018. 93f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Sistemas e Computação) - Centro de Ciências Exatas e da Terra, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, Natal, 2018.
Farias, Eriton de Barros
The number of studies on agile methods has increased in the academy. Agile
software development has a significant positive impact on the performance of the
development teams, software quality and users' satisfaction. Thus, among other
topics, Agile Adoption and Transformation are two of the most relevant themes in the
main events about agile. Many teams that work with agile development report that
they miss a tutorial or document, in which it is possible to find solutions to help agile
teams carry out processes of Agile Transformation or Adoption easily. Therefore, this
work has the objective of analyzing and categorizing information that can assist
teams in these processes. The result of this analysis was organized in a catalog
called Recommendations Catalog to Assist Agile Adoption or Transformation. The
catalog was evaluated and changed through a survey. The catalog was composed of
thirteen recommendations.