Cadeia de valor Leagile no desenvolvimento do projeto e construção de usinas eólicas offshore: proposta de framework de diretrizes
2021-06-30Registro en:
SOARES, Adriana Georgia Borges. Cadeia de valor Leagile no desenvolvimento do projeto e construção de usinas eólicas offshore: proposta de framework de diretrizes. 2021. 117f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Engenharia de Produção) - Centro de Tecnologia, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, Natal, 2021.
Soares, Adriana Georgia Borges
A value chain of offshore wind energy, especially the stages of project and construction determine, to a large extent, the price of electricity. Starting from the budget, you need to implement installation and planning techniques to increase your competitiveness. A strategy that can increase or perform the value chain is leagile. A flexible strategy is defined as being a combination of exogenous and agile paradigms, as the aim of eliminating waste and at the same time increasing the quality and flexibility of an organization. The objective of the dissemination is to provide a framework of guidelines with the application of two Lean and Agile principles for the management of the value chain of the project and construction stages of offshore wind power plants. A research is characterized as a descriptive type, of an applied nature, of an inductive character with a qualitative approach. The procedure encompasses three stages: i) first, contemplating the theoretical foundation by means of a Systematic Bibliographic Review (RBS) of leagile with analysis of 92 articles and a traditional bibliographic review two topics value chain, offshore wind energy and life cycle Offshore wind power common to the project and construction stages; ii) the second stage considers the elaboration of the conceptual framework based on an analysis of the triangulation of information, advinced with the information obtained on the theoretical foundation; and iii) the third stage or conceptual model was analyzed with the participation of non-subject specialists. As a result, the framework contemplates guidelines for the predominance of Lean or Agile approaches for each stage of the project and construction of an offshore wind power plant. As identified guidelines for: adaptation of activities to local culture; standards and standards to be met; Identification and Involvement two stakeholders; One-stop-shop; Geographic Information System; Historical planning and involvement of two stakeholders; Use of virtual prototyping (micrositing) for turbine selection and layout optimization; Aquisição e fabricação Make-to-order; Collaboration and sharing of rocks between companies; Use of modular components e; Agile response to weather forecast errors and planning.