dc.contributorAguirre, Moisés Alberto Calle
dc.contributorRamos, Paulo César Formiga
dc.contributorSoares, Weber
dc.creatorCosta, Wilmara Martins da
dc.identifierCOSTA, Wilmara Martins da. Análise das relações pessoais e da relação com o saber na escola pública: investigação na escola estadual professora Judith Bezerra de Melo. 2015. 120f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Demografia) - Centro de Ciências Exatas e da Terra, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, Natal, 2015.
dc.description.abstractThis work considers to study it the educational context under the perspective of inquiry of the Analysis of Social Networks, in the direction to analyze relationship structure of the personal nets of the pupils of 2ª series of High School in the State School Teacher Judith Bezerra de Melo, in terms of support and transition of information and its effect in the learning process. The general objective of this study is to investigate the effect of the nets of personal relations in the formation of social capital, well as, the influence of this in the learning of the pupil in the pertaining to school scope. In this direction, the study backwards reflections on the social context, the structures of the nets where these pupils are inserted and the effect of these in its individual behavior, therefore if they show as aspects important to understand the field of relations which are displayed, being able to bring elements that explain its recent educational condition. The structures of the nets of the pupils had been analyzed and a set of factors associates to the learning, in order to describe as the present social capital in the relations makes possible or blocks the process of learning of the pertaining to school contents. Ahead of this, it has been broken of the hypothesis of that, the inequality, in terms of the distribution of present capital stock in the personal relations, tends to be one of the clarifying factors to understand the referring difficulties to the process of learning of the pupils in the environment of the school. As method of inquiry of the relations established for the studied individuals, it was used arrives in port theoretician and procedure of the Analysis of Social Networks, in the direction to investigate the structural aspect of the individual nets and when exploring the clarifying potential of these nets and of the social capital that appears of its structural disposal in the analysis of the learning of the pupil. The case study was carried through to inside explore in depth the excellent aspects to the problem of the research of a period of limited time, which encloses the year of 2014. For the survey of the field of relations he was requested to each pupil who indicated other people to compose its net, as much to as well as characterize the referring relation in to the type and the degree of relationship with these contacts the relation between them, the questionnaire used in this phase was classified as generating of names, such instrument served of base for the construction of the relationship matrix and the graphs used in the analysis of the data. Beyond answering a block of sociodemographic questions that had served to generate attributes, to characterize the structure of relations and for construction of the variable related with the learning. With this quarrel, one perceives that the Analysis of Social Networks is a significant tool to understand the relationship structures and that although the abstraction of the learning concept was observed that the social capital has influences relatively low on it, however must be detached that the size of the sample is small what would limit the joined results.
dc.publisherUniversidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte
dc.rightsAcesso Aberto
dc.subjectAnálise de redes sociais na escola pública
dc.subjectRedes pessoais
dc.subjectAnálise de redes sociais e capital social
dc.subjectEstudo de caso
dc.titleAnálise das relações pessoais e da relação com o saber na escola pública: investigação na escola estadual professora Judith Bezerra de Melo

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