dc.contributorQueiroz, Farinaldo da Silva
dc.contributorRogério Dias Pinheiro, Paulo
dc.contributorAlberto Camargo Vargas, Daniel
dc.creatorAmorim, Jedson Fernandes de
dc.identifierAMORIM, Jedson Fernandes de.Introdução à física de neutrinos. 2019. 69 f. TCC (Graduação em Física Bacharelado) - Departamento de Física Teórica e Experimental, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, Natal, 2019.
dc.description.abstractNeutrino physics arose with Pauli's proposal for a third particle as a solution to the beta decay based on energy and momentum conservation arguments. Since then, the sources and three flavours of neutrinos has been widely studied in order to understand all the features of these particles. This work has the goal of giving an overview about each neutrino of the standard model and previously works that tried to better understand it. In the first chapter we review the history of neutrino physics. In the second chapter we will give a qualitative introduction about the two discrete symmetries CP, later we will give the main differences between helicity and chirality, lastly we will deal with the structure of the standard model and how to build the weak sector. In the third chapter we study how the neutrinos were detected, and provide a mathematical treatment about neutrino oscillations with N flavors and analyze graphically the case of two flavors, we finish with a discussion about some experiments that support this theory. In the fourth chapter we perform a non sophisticated analysis about some experiments that give an upper limit on neutrino's masses. In the fifth chapter we deal with some differences between Dirac and Majorana equations and we will do a relation between neutrinos and these equations. In our final considerations we treat about some aspects of neutrinos oscillation in matter that can be performed in future.
dc.publisherUniversidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Brazil
dc.subjectExperimento de Wu.
dc.subjectModelo padrão
dc.subjectExperimento de Cowan-Reines
dc.subjectExperimento de Lederman-Schwartz-Steinberger
dc.subjectDetecção do neutrino do tau
dc.subjectOscilação de neutrinos
dc.subjectObservação da oscilação
dc.subjectLimite sobre a massa dos neutrinos
dc.subjectDirac e Majorana
dc.subjectDuplo decaimento beta sem neutrinos
dc.subjectWu's experiment
dc.subjectStandard Model
dc.subjectCowan-Reines experiment
dc.subjectLederman-Schwartz-Steinberger experiment
dc.subjectTau's neutrino detection
dc.subjectNeutrinos oscillation
dc.subjectObservation of oscillation
dc.subjectUpper limit on neutrino mass
dc.subjectDirac and Majorana
dc.subjectNeutrinoless double beta decay
dc.titleIntrodução à física de neutrinos

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