Euler e os números pentagonais
2011-10-26Registro en:
COTA, Andreia Caroline da Silva. Euler e os números pentagonais. 2011. 105 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Ensino de Ciências Naturais e Matemática) - Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, Natal, 2011.
Cota, Andreia Caroline da Silva
The present investigation includes a study of Leonhard Euler and the pentagonal
numbers is his article Mirabilibus Proprietatibus Numerorum Pentagonalium - E524.
After a brief review of the life and work of Euler, we analyze the mathematical
concepts covered in that article as well as its historical context. For this purpose, we
explain the concept of figurate numbers, showing its mode of generation, as well as
its geometric and algebraic representations. Then, we present a brief history of the
search for the Eulerian pentagonal number theorem, based on his correspondence
on the subject with Daniel Bernoulli, Nikolaus Bernoulli, Christian Goldbach and Jean
Le Rond d'Alembert. At first, Euler states the theorem, but admits that he doesn t
know to prove it. Finally, in a letter to Goldbach in 1750, he presents a
demonstration, which is published in E541, along with an alternative proof. The
expansion of the concept of pentagonal number is then explained and justified by
compare the geometric and algebraic representations of the new pentagonal
numbers pentagonal numbers with those of traditional pentagonal numbers. Then we
explain to the pentagonal number theorem, that is, the fact that the infinite product(1
x)(1 xx)(1 x3)(1 x4)(1 x5)(1 x6)(1 x7)... is equal to the infinite series 1 x1 x2+x5+x7
x12 x15+x22+x26 ..., where the exponents are given by the pentagonal numbers
(expanded) and the sign is determined by whether as more or less as the exponent is
pentagonal number (traditional or expanded). We also mention that Euler relates the
pentagonal number theorem to other parts of mathematics, such as the concept of
partitions, generating functions, the theory of infinite products and the sum of
divisors. We end with an explanation of Euler s demonstration pentagonal number