Educação para a cidadania: uma experiência com alunos no esporte escolar na modalidade futsal
2017-06Registro en:
BEZERRA, Rômulo de Castro. Educação para a cidadania: uma experiência com alunos no esporte escolar na modalidade futsal. 2017. 65f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação em Educação Física Licenciatura) - Departamento de Educação Física, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, Natal, 2017.
Bezerra, Rômulo de Castro
This work deals with the theme: "Education for citizenship: an experience with students in school sport in futsal". This study is based mainly on the National Curricular Parameters of Physical Education, as well as in works by some renowned authors, and aims to contribute as a theoretical reference capable of elucidating possible doubts of Physical Education teachers who work in school with the sport School, how to work citizenship through futsal training, since this is also in the school environment, whose main objective should be to collaborate for the citizenship training of their students. Physical education in its history has undergone several changes, from the purely military training visions, sports scientists and biologists. In the school, Physical Education has already been objectified with the intention of "discovering" talents in sports, and later, to insert them in the high-performance sports environment. Consequently, through the LDB, it became consolidated as a discipline in the school curriculum, from which, thereafter, there were significant changes about its methods and objectives. Futsal, although it is often worked pedagogically and educationally, while physical education class is left to be desired when exclusively working on training aimed at the competition of sports school competitions. This is what this work is about: how to work citizenship in school futsal while sports training, what is the real importance that this brings to the formation of the student, how to combine the competitive side with the educational, the will to win the acceptance of defeat, And respect for the rules and for all, recognizing them as fundamental pieces for the existence of Sport, mentioning the similarity to the reality found in social life (laws governing the conduct of people in a society, relationships with people at work, etc.). ) And how important this is for the common good. Therefore, it is the responsibility of Physical Education teachers to observe the paramount importance of working towards citizenship education in all aspects, including school sports training, because, above all, it is the school's duty to train citizens