Ludicidade uma fonte de aprendizagem na Educação Infantil e no Ensino Fundamental
2016Registro en:
OLIVEIRA, Mirian Fernandes de. Ludicidade uma fonte de aprendizagem na educação infantil e no ensino fundamental. 2016. 20 f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação em Pedagogia) - Centro de Educação. Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, Caraúbas/RN, 2016.
Oliveira, Mirian Fernandes de
The work through playfulness, especially in the early school years makes it more attractive and pleasing school environment, able to get kids who start their learning in this context, since play is a fundamental part in the life of these little ones. The act of playing is the purest form of the child to express themselves, it is joking that she expresses her feelings internalizing the world around you. The environment which contains many students in multigrade rooms in particular, is considered a very important game, and to establish itself as a vehicle of expression and socialization of cultural humanity practices, it is also a recreational activity in which children and / or adults engage in an imaginary world governed by rules. With regard to mathematics, this has been pointed out over time as the main responsible for school failure, and the use of the game behind a teaching methodology with a more interesting and enjoyable proposal that arouses interest and students' thinking in class this and other disciplines. This study aimed to present tasks development situations with the playful in kindergarten and elementary early years; show the types of games and games that are worked in the classroom, addressing the issue of multi-year classes and the use of games in them, and to underscore the importance of this tool in math classes. The methodology used in literature, in which we seek theorists and authors who have worked with this issue, as Alves (1994), Negrine (1994), Santos (1998) among others. We hope this study wil contribute to the teaching-learning process children from kindergarten and the first years of elementary school.